黄晓超,博士,2019年3月毕业东南大学化学化工学院,同年5月就职于淮阴工学院化学工程学院制药工程系江苏省特色资源开发与药用研究重点实验室,校聘副教授,硕士生导师,广西师范大学在职博士后,2021年获批江苏省科技副总项目(合作企业南京安伦化工科技有限公司),主要从事铂类抗癌药物筛选及工艺开发、小分子抗癌药物的设计、合成及抗肿瘤作用机制研究,已在Cancer Letters、European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Bioconjugate Chemistry、Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry、Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、Bioorganic Chemistry等知名药物期刊发表SCI论文近20篇。目前,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、中国博士后基金面上项目1项、广西师范大学省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室开放课题1项、江苏省产学研项目1项和企业横向项目1项,2020年获得淮安市“淮上英才计划”驻淮高校优秀博士资助。
Ø 基于金属铂类抗肿瘤药物的筛选及机制研究
Ø 小分了抗肿瘤药物的设计与合成及作用机制研究
Ø 具有生物活性的天然产物结构改造与修饰
Ø 应用化学(制药工程方向)
Ø 化学(有机化学方向)
Ø 药物化学(抗肿瘤药物方向)
Ø E-mail: viphuangxc@126.com; 联系电话:15150679025.
1. Meng Wang 1, Zhikun Liu 1, Xiaochao Huang*, Yuanhang Chen, Yanming Wang, Jing Kong, Yong Yang, Chunhao Yu, Jin Li, Xu Wang*, Hengshan Wang*, Dual-target platinum(IV) complexes exhibit antiproliferative activity through DNA damage and induce ER-stress-mediated apoptosis in A549 cells. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 110, 104741.
2. Xiaochao Huang 1, Zhikun Liu 1, Meng Wang *, Xiulian Yin, Yanming Wang, Lumei Dai *, Hengshan Wang*, Platinum(IV) complexes conjugated with chalcone analogs as dual targeting anticancer agents: In vitro and in vivo studies. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, 105, 104430.
3. Xiaochao Huang 1,*, Meng Wang 1, Chungu Wang, Weiwei Hu, Qinghong You, Tianhua Ma, Qiang Jia, Chunhao Yu, Zhixin Liao*, Hengshan Wang*, Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel millepachine derivative containing aminophosphonate ester species as novel anti-tubulin agents. Bioorganic Chemistry. 2020, 94, 103486.
4. Xiaochao Huang 1,*, Meng Wang 1, Qinghong You, Jing Kong, Haijiang Zhang, Chunhao Yu , Yanming Wang , Hengshan Wang *, Rizhen Huang *, Synthesis, mechanisms of action, and toxicity of novel aminophosphonates derivatives conjugated irinotecan in vitro and in vivo as potent antitumor agents, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2020, 189, 112067.
5. Xiaochao Huang 1,*, Meng Wang 1, Chungu Wang, Weiwei Hu, Qinghong You, Yong Yang, Chunhao Yu, Zhixin Liao, Shaohua Gou*, Hengshan Wang*, Dual-targeting antitumor conjugates derived from platinum(IV) prodrugs and microtubule inhibitor CA-4 significantly exhibited potent ability to overcome cisplatin resistance, Bioorganic Chemistry. 2019, 92, 103236.
6. Bin Zhang #, Xiaochao Huang #, Hengshan Wang * and Shaohua Gou *, Promoting antitumor efficacy by suppressing hypoxia via nano self-assembly of two irinotecan-based dual drug conjugates having a HIF-1a inhibitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7: 5352-5362.
7. Xiaochao Huang 1, Rizhen Huang 1, Zhimei Wang, Lingxue Li, Shaohua Gou *, Zhixin Liao and Hengshan Wang *, Pt(IV) complexes conjugating with chalcone analogue as inhibitors of microtubule polymerization exhibited selective inhibition in human cancer cells, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 146: 435-450.
8. Xiaochao Huang 1, Shixian Hua 1, Rizhen Huang 1, Zhikun Liu, Shaohua Gou*, Zhimei Wang, Zhixin Liao and Hengshan Wang *, Dual-targeting antitumor hybrids derived from Pt(IV) species and millepachine analogues. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 148: 1-25.
9. Lingxue Li 1, Xiaochao Huang 1, Rizhen Huang, Shaohua Gou *, Zhimei Wang, Hengshan Wang *, Pt(IV) prodrugs containing microtubule inhibitors displayed potent antitumor activity and ability to overcome cisplatin resistance. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 156: 666-679.
10) Feihong Chen 1, Xiaochao Huang1, Mian Wu, Shaohua Gou *, Weiwei Hu, A CK2-targeted Pt(IV) prodrug to disrupt DNA damage response. Cancer Letters, 2017, 385: 168-178.
11) Xiaochao Huang1, Rizhen Huang1, Shaohua Gou *, Zhimei Wang, Zhixin Liao, and Hengshan Wang *, Platinum(IV) complexes conjugated with phenstatin analogue as inhibitors of microtubule polymerization and reverser of multidrug resistance. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 25: 4686-4700.
12) Xiaochao Huang 1, Rizhen Huang 1, Shaohua Gou *, Zhimei Wang, Zhixin Liao, and Hengshan Wang *, Combretastatin A-4 analogue: A dual-targeting and tubulin inhibitor containing antitumor Pt(IV) moiety with a unique mode of action. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2016, 27(9): 2132-2148.
13) Xiaochao Huang 1, Ri zhen Huang 1, Zhixin Liao, Yingming Pan, Shaohua Gou *, Hengshan Wang *, Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of dehydroabietic acid thiourea derivatives containing bisphosphonate moiety as an inducer of apoptosis. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 108, 381-391.
1. 潘英明、王恒山、吴强、黄宇平、杨韶平、张业、王迎春、陈键泉、黄晓超. 松香手性产品深加工技术及其生产工艺的研发与应用,广西科技进步奖二等奖,2016年。