教师一览Chemical Engineering


作者:审核化学工程学院 日期:2019年11月14日 09:53点击:[]次


      张世忠讲师,博士毕业于丹麦科技大学。迄今共在Prog. org. Coat., Wear, Mater. Res. Bull., Powder Technol., Appl. Surf. Sci., Mater. Res. Express等国际期刊发表论文6篇,它引共300余次。申请发明专利两项。为江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养对象、江苏省“双创计划”世界名校类“双创博士”资助对象。目前共主持和参与科研项目4项。





1) Shizhong Zhang*, Peng Shen, Ming Ge, Xiufang Zhu, Nisar Ali, Lingli Ni*, Fabricating Fe2TiO5 hollow microspheres with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity, Materials Research Express, 2019, 095505

2) Shi-Zhong Zhang, Kim Dam-Johansen, Pablo L Bernad Jr., Søren Kiil*, Rain erosion of wind turbine blade coatings using discrete water jets: effects of water cushioning, substrate geometry, impact distance, and coating properties, Wear, 2015, 328-329, 140-148

3) Shi-Zhong Zhang, Kim Dam-Johansen, Pablo L Bernad Jr., Søren Kiil*, Erosion of wind turbine blade coatings - Design and analysis of jet-based laboratory equipment for performance evaluation, Progress in organic Coatings, 2015, 78, 103-115